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 Life Coaching and Tarot

As a Life Coach and Tarot Reader I try to boost and empower you to live your dreams from your heart. For that I use my own intuition, life experience, a lot of different coaching techniques and my tarot cards.

I can help you with simple questions you may have about something you want to know like "should I take the new job", "shall I start my own business" or just "how is my relationship going" but If you're ready I can also take your life to the next level through self-awareness, complete mindset shifts, cultivating SELF-BELIEF and CONFIDENCE. The ultimate goal here is live your life to the fullest, pure happiness, freedom and more joy and meaning in your life and be your authentic self!

The Spreads

Jazz Spread.

For most of the Tarot Readings I use a special card spread called Jazz to retrieve in depth information related to specific questions asked by the client. The Jazz Spread is a spread with 15 cards, 3 rows of 5 cards where the rows represent the past, present and future of the client. These sessions take between 30 and 60 minutes.

These tarot readings provide an excellent picture of the current period and situation in which the customer is in, but also recently and more importantly the coming period.

Common questions during these readings are "Do I get the new job", "is it wise to move now to a new location" and questions in the field of Love and Relationships like "Do I find Love", "Is She or He the true one for me" and "How can I improve my relation". For the last category I also have special "love and relationship" spreads which I will use during the same session if applicable!

The Jazz Tarot readings can be given at any location, both face to face and online via a zoom session. Costs are 50,- per session.

Zenith Spread.

The Life Coaching tarot Card sessions are done by using a special card spread called Zenith. This is a 15 card spread with 3 cards for each position where each card position will give in depth insight information in one specific theme like "what are my values", "who are the people around me" and "what scare's me the  most" or "what causes me to procrastinate".

These sessions are pure coaching sessions and will often lead to a total life changer for the client. The Zenith Spread Life Coaching session will take approximate between the 90 and 120 minutes and can be extended if needed.

A strong advice from my site is to take notes during the session because a lot of information will be coming up and it will be difficult to remember all this. All sessions and readings will always be kept confidential.

The Zenith Tarot Coaching reading can be given at any location, both face to face or online by using zoom. Costs 100,- for a session

workshops and Parties

Finally, I also offer Tarot Workshops on request and can do Tarot Readings for the whole family or just a number of friends or colleagues for example during a dinner in a restaurant or at home location.

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